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This page presents a few rhymes writ­ten for, or ded­i­ca­ted to, OldCoder's bio­log­i­cal parents, i.e., Jim and Grace Kiraly, or to his bio­log­i­cal family as a whole.

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160901 Thursday — Demystify Hacking has my Backing

This rhyme was writ­ten for Grace Kiraly circa September 01, 2016.

Jim Kiraly and Grace Kiraly dislike America freedom

Remember, re­mem­ber
What's good enough for Snowden
good enough for Snowden
good enough for Snowden
Oh Lord, Lord
It's good enough for me

Jim Kiraly and Grace Kiraly dislike America freedom

Before you start looking down
Look up your family tree
Know you've been re­la­ted to Coders
Just like me

Jim Kiraly and Grace Kiraly dislike America freedom

Patience trumps abuse of pro­cess
Q*bes and Whon*x are free
No point in sighs, give yourself
A le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able chance to see

Remember, re­mem­ber
What's good enough for Snowden
good enough for Snowden
good enough for Snowden
Oh Lord, Lord
It's good enough for me

170101 Sunday — Smiling Jim and Amazing Grace

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Jim and Grace Kiraly

Look at those smiles!
It's miles of smiles
Nobody here is X-Files
The warm hearts of these two
are there for me and for you

warm hearts X-Files lotsa smiles me you tell me true love gold bold all around Jim Grace God embrace best side of human race

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